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Guide to build new FIRST Lego League team

Written by Pranav Maheshwaran, 02/03/2023

Want to start an epic FLL (FIRST Lego League) team? Let’s dive into the essentials, with a mix of professionalism, a hint of fun, and a whole lot of team spirit.

Scouting for Teammates

And if you’re struggling to gather a crew, consider creating a catchy flyer or a Google Forms sign-up sheet. It’s a great way to see who’s interested and what they bring to the table.

Setting the Vibe

  1. Commitment: Being part of an FLL team is a commitment. From regular meetings to practice sessions and competitions, everyone should be ready to invest time and energy.

  2. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: A successful team thrives on collaboration. Every member’s input is invaluable, and decisions should be a collective effort, ensuring everyone’s on the same page.

  3. Learning on the Go: Everyone makes mistakes, but they’re just stepping stones. Adopting a growth mindset means viewing challenges as learning opportunities, helping the team evolve and improve.

  4. Respect: A respectful environment is non-negotiable. Every team member should feel valued, and their ideas and opinions should be heard and considered.

Team Dynamics

A sweet spot for team size is between 5 to 10 members. This ensures everyone has a role without feeling overwhelmed or left out.

Who Does What?

Roles can be flexible, but clarity is key. Everyone should know their responsibilities and feel confident in their contribution.

Breaking the Ice and Bonding

Ice Breakers:

  1. Two Truths and a Lie: A fun way to get to know each other. Each member shares two truths and one fib about themselves, and the rest guess the lie. It’s a great way to share laughs and learn fun facts about teammates.
  2. LEGO Story: A creative challenge where everyone gets a few LEGO pieces, builds something unique, and then shares the story or inspiration behind their creation.

Team Building Games:

  1. Blindfolded LEGO Build: This game tests communication and trust. One person builds blindfolded, guided only by their partner’s verbal instructions.
  2. Human Knot: A physical challenge that promotes teamwork. The goal is to untangle a human knot without letting go of each other’s hands.
  3. Robot Relay: A test of coordination and collaboration. Team members guide a robot through an obstacle course, passing controls from one member to the next.

Incorporate these activities early on, and you’ll have a tight-knit, efficient team in no time. Now, gear up and let’s make some LEGO magic happen! 🤖🌟